Balance the (Work)load | MELBOURNE F2F

Tue 25 Feb

09:00AM - 11:00AM



Bosco Coaching

How can I take back control of my workload and work life?

Whilst there are always external factors influencing our workload that are out of our control, ultimately, how we experience and handle our work is up to us. In this in-person, hands-on workshop, each of you will create your very own ‘island of sanity’. Your islands represents your unique work sub-culture.

Together, we’ll explore what these 3 key areas look like on your island:

  • Motivation: what are you shooting for? Exactly how do you want to experience life at work and why?
  • Mindset: which specific thoughts or beliefs make you ‘hold on’ to more work than you need to… and which thoughts or beliefs can you replace them with?
  • Management tools: which practical tools can you use, to help you prioritize your workload, maximize your time and set healthy boundaries.

By the end of this workshop you’ll walk away with the clarity, conviction & practical commitments needed to balance your own (work) loads.

Why go to this Event?

  • Learn how to step into an upgraded mindset, needed to approach our workload in a calm and productive way.
  • Learn how to effectively prioritize tasks and maximize your time and calendars.
  • Learn how to confidently set boundaries and negotiate requests for extra work.

Where to go?

Venue Information - Half Dome - Melbourne


Half Dome - Level 8, 459 Church St, Richmond, 3121, Melbourne, VIC