Managing Yourself and Others Under Pressure | WEBINAR

Tue 30 Jul

10:00AM - 12:00PM



Resonate Communications Coaching

Working in media is only for the brave. There are deadlines, last-minute changes, campaigns that need to get impressive results and clients who are under just as much pressure as you are to get it right.

It’s easy for people to get on when everything is going well, but when things go wrong, no one is at their best.

What should you do when you stop feeling OK? How can you help others who are not coping? Is there a way to turn these intense situations around so you can still get the results you need?

Find out in this interactive session where Arabella will share with you NASA’s top skills for helping people under pressure. Because when you’re in OK space, everything gets easier.


This is a national webinar, the zoom link will be sent out the day prior to the event