Creativity is a human act, and each of us has enormous creative potential. And yet, when it comes to being creative in the workplace, too many of us are holding back. Instead of having a red-hot creative GO, we settle for being a 7/10 because it’s a reasonable position to take, it gets the job done, it doesn’t require taking any unnecessary risks, and it’s just a very safe place to be.
Light Your Fire removes the barriers that are holding people back by inviting participants to rethink what creativity is and remove the limiting self-beliefs that are holding them back.
Light Your Fire is highly interactive with lots of audience participation. The experience is high energy, fun, funny, and very real. Richard’s delivery is backed up with videos, music, and powerful images.
Meta - Level 41, Tower 2, 200 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia, Sydney, NSW