Sales Excellence | BRISBANE F2F

Wed 04 Oct

09:00AM - 11:00AM



Want to know what makes a good salesperson? The good news is you don't have to be a natural-born salesperson to succeed in the world of sales. Sure, you need empathy, an ability to really listen (and shut up when you need to), as well as a knack for remembering names, but being a successful salesperson comes down to a few key skills – and lots of practice.

So, if you’d like to get insider knowledge on how to be a pro at selling (without being too salesy), this is the NGEN Session for you! At Sales Excellence, industry leaders at the top of their sales game will share their top tips for selling without selling… perhaps if we’re lucky, they’ll even drop a secret or two.


The Barracks Shopping Centre 61 Petrie Terrace Brisbane QLD 4000, Brisbane, QLD